By Walter Sorochan
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UPOSH is short for "uniform picoscalar oligodynamic silver hydrosol."   It is nanotechnology's state-of-the-art germ fighter.   UPOSH is made through a highly advanced nanotechnology. What makes UPOSH so different is all about its nano-properties which relate to the size of the silver particles.  Because these particles are so tiny, UPOSH is not only readily absorbed in your stomach but also easily penetrates into germs when properly delivered in the right amounts.

nao attack wall

UPOSH attacks mutated super-germs without hurting human tissue, destroys the germs by destroying the germ from the inside out, does not harm the good bacteria in the human intestine, is effective against viruses, and increases the rate and efficiency at which immune cells destroy germs. 

UPOSH is pure silver particles of the tiniest size that modern nanotechnology can make when placed only in water.

In conclusion, UPOSH may be the best tool yet to come out of nanotechnology in the battle against the super-germ epidemic. UPOSH appears able to super charge and restore our immune systems, while at the same time dissecting bacterial, viral and even fungae.  Perhaps most importantly, it may be the agent of choice to defend us against super-germs, as well as from the looming threat of the next influenza pandemic.  UPOSH may be taken orally at the first sign of infection, with a recommended 1 teaspoon ingested every 15 to 60 minutes on an empty stomach, up to 7 or more times daily.  But your doctor can also administer UPOSH in other ways in advanced infectious states to help bring about a lasting recovery.

Apsley John W., "Has nanotechnology given us the latest silver bullet for dealing with our most serious infections?" IMREF Newsletter, August, 2006. pdf format.  [ This article no longer available on the internet ] A related article on this subject is: how silver kills pathogens

Apsley, John W., biography
Wright, Jonathan, "Stop Super-Germs in their Tracks With One Powerful Silver Bullet," Healthier Talk.com, November 05, 2008.   How UPOSH works